GleeChild Initiative is dedicated to addressing and making a tangible impact on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 2, and 3 – No Poverty, Zero Hunger, and Good Health and Well-being

We take a holistic approach to development, recognizing the interconnectedness of these three critical SDGs.

At GleeChild Initiative, we believe that every child deserves a fair chance at a prosperous and healthy life.

Our mission is to tackle the root causes of poverty, hunger, and health disparities that affect children globally. Through innovative and sustainable initiatives, we aim to build a world where no child goes to bed hungry, every child has access to quality healthcare, and poverty is a distant memory.

Cultivating Happiness, Eradicating Hardship

The health and well-being of children are paramount to their overall development.

GleeChild Initiative is committed to improving access to quality healthcare, promoting disease prevention, and advocating for the well-being of children everywhere.

We believe that every child has the right to grow up in a healthy and nurturing environment.

I believe every child deserves a chance to thrive, and I want to be part of their journey by volunteering with GleeChild Initiative

Francis Ameke


GleeChild envisions a thriving Africa where every child, starting in Ghana, grows up free from poverty, hunger, and health challenges. We aim to expand our impact continent-wide, fostering resilient communities and ensuring each child's potential is unleashed
GleeChild Initiative is on a mission to empower children in Ghana and across Africa by tackling poverty, hunger, and health challenges. We work to break the cycle of deprivation, ensuring every child can thrive
Meet the coordinators
Derrick Dwamena

President & Co-founder

I am the President and Co-founder of the GleeChild Initiative. My academic journey began at Michigan State University, where I earned my Bachelor's degree in Neuroscience. I continued to expand my knowledge and skills at Duke University, achieving a Master's degree in Bioethics and Science Policy. Currently, I am contributing to the field of cognitive neuroscience as an Associate In Research in a renowned lab at Duke University.

Vice-President & Co-founder

From spearheading STEM projects to leading sustainable development initiatives and impactful mentorship, my role as Vice President and Co-founder of GleeChild Initiative is dedicated to amplifying our impact. Thus ensuring GleeChild becomes a powerful force of transformation in the lives of underprivileged children in Ghana and across Africa.

Chief Project Officer (CPO)

Joining GleeChild, my heart was drawn to the cause of homeless children and orphans. Committed to justice and equality, I champion their rights through transformative initiatives. With urgency, I work for a brighter future, focusing on education and healthcare.

Public Relations Officer

My love for children and the desire to help was my motivation for joining GleeChild Initiative. Also, being the mouthpiece and helping hand for children who need help.

Central Advisor

Everyone deserves to have a good life and all the love and support they can get, children especially. Knowing someone cares about you and believes in you changes your perspective in life, boosts your confidence and makes you see the essence of life. I decided to embark on this journey with GleeChild to give meaning to life to children who are not lucky enough to have their basic needs met and to put a smile on their faces. I am passionate about investing in their lives to ensure they have a great future and make positive impacts in the world someday. I am proud to be a part of thteam.

General Secretary

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Project Coordinator

I believe every child deserves an opportunity to live freely and happily, this is the reason I have decided to support children all over the world to help create a new generation of human beings who are empathetic and capable of leading a peaceful and tolerant society. With Gleechild, I have the opportunity to learn and contribute to the development of children at the grassroots level.

Central Advisor

in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis<br>Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis<br>Nibh in sed venenatis, senectus fermentum nullam donec nulla quis ut facilisis

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Access to food and healthcare are vital parts of developing our communities and developing the youth as useful members society. I hope to be able to affect change by assisting in the process of providing for the less endowed in our society to give them the opportunity to explore education and skill development opportunities.

The values of GleeChild Initiative align with my passion for social change, and I am eager to contribute my skills and dedication to meaningful projects that uplift and empower those in need.
Selina Ayittah
Volunteer & Team Lead
- Education Committee -

For Every Child's Right to Joy, Health, and Hope

Building a World Where Every Child Gleams with Potential